Someone recently asked me what signifies a "Club Race". This was a GREAT question. The board designates several club races of different distances each race season. The goal of having a club race is to designate a race that members can specifically train for AND know that there will be lots of other CTC members attending. Races are a lot more fun when we have friends to cheer for and to get cheers in return. We build camaraderie, friendships, a team spirit and a lot of memories with Club Races. We also plan other events around Club Races like a picnic or dinner. The club has a tent and flags posted at races as a rally point before or after the race. This way members, family and friends can gather at the tent to cheer for the athletes. It also shows great club support.
We try to pick races that have something for everyone's ability from sprint on upwards. We also pick a long course race 70.3 and 140.6 as a club race. The Board discusses what races we believe will attract members and we do our best to pick races that are in driving distance. Is there a race you love and think others would love it too? Let the CTC Board know and we'll discuss it at our planning meetings. Lastly, there was a question about our tent and flags. These are always available for other races with board approval. Ask any board member and we'll work it out. Just understand that club races take priority and you will be responsible for pick-up and return.